ضد فیبروزی
In this review, we discuss the mechanisms that instruct macrophages to adopt pro-inflam- matory, pro-wound-healing, pro-fibrotic, anti-inflammatory, anti-fibrotic, pro-resolving, and tissue-regener- ating phenotypes after injury, and we highlight how some of these mechanisms and macrophage activation states could be exploited therapeutically.
The mechanisms that instruct macrophages to adopt pro-inflammatory, pro- wound-healing, pro-fibrotic, anti-inflammatory, anti-fibrotic, pro-resolving, and tissue-regenerating properties in various or- gan systems have also been the subject of intensive research (Kluth, 2007; Mitchell et al.
Protective Roles for Anti-inflammatory and Anti-fibrotic Macrophages
inflammatory and anti-fibrotic activity, because these pheno- types are thought to be critical to the resolution of most wound-healing responses.
, 2015), recent studies have suggested that they can also exhibit potent anti-fibrotic activity, particularly when the tissue-repair response becomes chronic.
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